Baldwin-Woodville Community Ed After School Clubs
After school clubs help children explore interests, foster creativity, create friendships, and feel a sense of belonging. Three fun clubs to choose from! Snack will be provided. All clubs open to grades K-5. Fees cover all supplies & after school snacks.
All clubs will meet in the cafeteria after school for snack and then move locations if necessary for club activities.
Instructor: Stacia Gregory
Jump Rope Club
Jump roping is a fantastic way to improve social skills, create friendships, and be creative while improving timing, coordination, balance, and strength. And did you know studies have demonstrated jumping helps to develop the left and right hemispheres of the brain to further improve awareness, reading skills, increases memory, and mental alertness? We will also be learning jump rope skipping rhymes, games, and challenges.
Dates: Tuesdays: September 3, 10, 17, 24
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Fee: $20/child or $30/family
Location: Greenfield Playground (GFD Commons in case of rain)
Register By: Tues, Aug 27