Kookie Decorating (Parent/Grandparent & Child)
Come have fun decorating Halloween themed Kookiez! Using lots of embellishments/techniques and learning some easy tips to create tasteful Kookiez --that will actually be edible! (but of course perhaps the best thing is--the mess stays here!) *Ages: Child (6 ) - Adult
Instructor: Zaney Janey of De-vine Designz
Dates: Thurs, April 17
Time: 6:00-7:15 pm
Location: BW High School Cafeteria
Registration Fee: $20 Individual OR $30 Adult/Child Pair
*Materials Fee: $10 to be paid at class (cookies & frosting)
Register By: Thur, April 10 (Min 8/Max 20)
*Note, A/C pairing or single person will decorate 6 Kookies total