Baldwin-Woodville Community Ed After School Clubs
After school clubs help children explore interests, foster creativity, create friendships, and feel a sense of belonging. Snack will be provided. All clubs open to grades K-5. Fees cover all supplies & after school snacks. All clubs will meet in the cafeteria after school for snack and then move locations if necessary for club activities.
Instructor: Stacia Robelia
Coloring Club (March 2025)
Children will get to relax and socialize while coloring books, posters and more...
Dates: Tuesdays: March 4, 11, 25 & April 1 (NOT March 18 during Spring Break)
Location: Greenfield Cafeteria
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Fee: $20/child or $30/Family
Register By: Tuesday, February 25